Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thomas The Train!!!

 Here is our first cute Thomas the Train!

After putting the first layer of fondant on Thomas it started to come to life.

A few more colors down and Thomas and we are almost done.

Couple of hours after.... 

...Thomas is done and ready to be eaten.

don't forget to leave your comments
and to visit our profile for more information 
thanks for stop by


  1. O my gosh!!! Thomas the train is the coolest thing I ever saw in my entire life!!!

  2. I love the fact that you go from the common to the sublime. Creativity can be seen in each one of your pieces, congratulations.

  3. Felicidades Sobrina me gusto mucho la pagina Deseo que tengas mucho exito en esta nueva aventura no dudo q ue con tu capacidad lo lohgres hummmm que ricos postres Felicidades!!!!!!
    Atte Tu tio Rene
